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Credit Union offers four types of loans to qualified members (any loans must be approved by the Loan Officer)
Share Loans: Share Loans are granted using the member's savings as security.
Signature Loans: Signature Loans are granted based on members credit history and credit score
Collateral Loans: This type of loan is secured with a tangible value. Automobiles are most popular however Boats, Motors, Motorcycles, RV's are also financed.
Co-Maker Loans: The co-maker loan is cosigned by one or up to ten members in good standing. By cosigning a loan the co-maker agrees to assume responsibility for the loan should the member default.
Regular Savings:Accounts are Federally Insured up to $250,000.00 to protect against the dissolution of the credit union.
Dividends are paid quarterly.
If you are an existing Online Banking user, please use the following to log in to our new Online Banking system:
• LOGON ID is your Primary Member Number.• SECURITY CODE (Password) is the last 4-digits of the Primary Account Holder’s SSN
Example: 9876